Where does the wind come from
The differential heating of the earth drives a global atmospheric convection system: warm air is lighter than cold air and rises to altitudes of approx. 10 km (6 miles);…
History of Wind Energy
Harnessing the wind is one of the oldest methods of generating energy. Since ancient times man has used the help of windmills to grind the harvest and to pump water. With the a…
Future of Wind Energy
International climate and environmental experts agree that the atmosphere of our planet is warming up and that we are running short of resources. Furthermore, all power stations…
Chronology of Wind Energy Pioneers
Charles F. Brush
(1849-1929), one of the founders of the US electrical industry. Brush constructed a machine in the winter of 1887-88, now considered to be the firs…

How to Calculate Wind Energy
Wind is made up of moving air molecules which have mass - though not much. Any moving object with mass carries Kinetic Energy in an amount which is expressed by the equat…